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A node.js logging module with various configurable and extendable transports. As per default, the CLogger prints its colored messages to the node-console, but it can be configured to logs to a TaffyDB instance, a log-file or a custom function.

The format of the log-messages is also highly configurable, with various chainable pre-defined or custom filter-functions.


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Basic Usage

var CLogger = require('node-clogger');

// Create a new CLogger instance with reasonable defaults.
var logger = new CLogger();
logger.log('info', 'log #1');
logger.debug('log #%d', 2);
logger.error('some error message: %s', 'fail...');

// Create a new CLogger instance which logs to the console
// and a log-file. The log-file name is returned by a custom
// filter-functions, just as the logger-id in the console output
// (which prints 'server' in reverse).
var logger = new CLogger('server', {
    transports: [
        new CLogger.transports.LogFile({
            'filename': '{{filename}}.log',
            filters: {
                filename: function() {
                    return new Date().toDateString;
        new CLogger.transports.Console({
            'colors': {
                'info': 'grey',
                'warn': 'yellow',
                'debug': 'green',
                'error': 'red',
                'trace': 'grey'
            'format': '{{value:timestamp|datetime}} [{{value:id|fun}}] [{{value:level|uppercase|colorize}}] - {{value:message|colorize:rainbow}}',
            filters: {
                fun: function(value) {
                    return value.split('').reverse().join('');
});'A message under the rainbow...');